4.Conditional Statements

Conditional Statement:

Conditional Statement allows you to execute a block of code
only when a specific condition is True.

if True:
print("If Block")
print("Inside If")
# Output is:
If Block
Inside If

If – Else Statement: When the If – Else conditional statement is used, the Else
block of code executes if the condition is False.

a = int(input()) # -1
if a > 0:
print("Not Positive")

# Output is:
Not Positive

Nested Conditions: The conditional block inside another if/else conditional block is called as a nested conditional block.

if Condition A:
if Condition B:
block of code
block of code
if Condition A:
block of code
if Condition B:
block of code

Elif Statement: Use the elif statement to have multiple conditional statements
between if and else. The elif statement is optional.

if Condition A:
block of code
elif Condition B:
block of code
block of code


  1. Space(s) in front of the conditional block is called indentation.
  2. Indentation(spacing) is used to identify the Conditional Blocks.
  3. Standard practice is to use four spaces for indentation.

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